After more than six years of contentious litigation, the City of Pontiac and the owners ...

Maddin Hauser Secures Multi-Million Dollar Settlement Against Pontiac that Confirms Client’s Property and Parking Rights
After more than six years of contentious litigation, the City of Pontiac and the owners ...
The automotive industry forecast projects that there will be an increase in warranty and recall claims in the near future
Unless you have been living under a rock for the past year, it is well-known that the Trump Administration
With the passage of the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act (“Act”), family law attorneys must now deal with
The case of Allard v Allard, No 308194, January 31, 2017 (“Allard III), is a Michigan version of a loosely Hollywood scripted movie
Ginger’s husband Roy and Ginger signed a prenuptial agreement 6 years ago.