The Financial Services and Real Property Litigation group combines expertise that comes from participating in high-level enterprise risk-related matters with the experience of managing thousands of individual loan and real estate related issues. This gives the group a sharply focused view of the financial services and real estate industries. It allows Maddin Hauser to offer exceptional insight and value to its financial services and real estate clients.
What distinguishes this group most? Our people and our culture. We put client relationships above all else, providing experienced and practical guidance from leading real estate and financial services attorneys who are approachable, enthusiastic, responsive, highly skilled, and ethical. And our reasonable fees compare favorably to bigger law firms.

Here are some of the group’s specialties:
(Representation of varied parties across a spectrum of financial services and real estate industries)
- Traditional financial services companies
- Depository institutions
- Non-depository institutions such as mortgage lenders
- Consumer finance companies
- Loan servicers
- Payday lenders
- Money services businesses
- Commercial construction general contractors and subcontractors
- Homebuilders
- Retailers
- Title insurers & agencies
- Real estate brokers
- Relocation service companies
- Real estate auctioneers
- Technology companies & vendors
- Vendor & appraisal management companies
- Document preparation companies
- Venture capital firms & hedge funds

Our work includes:
- Secondary market transactions
- Management of outsourced internal client processes & projects
- Transactional overflow counsel for in-house legal departments
- 50 state surveys
- In-house education, training & product development
- Quality control & compliance assurance
- Financial fraud investigations & recovery actions
- Employment related issues including loan officer compensation
- Prosecution and/or defense of financial-related corporate raiding, non-compete & trade secrets cases
- Borrower litigation
- Homeowner association/condominium owner association litigation
- Buy/back (repurchase) & sub-servicing litigation
- Municipal blight & nuisance litigation
- Truth in Lending Act & Regulation Z
- Home Ownership and Equity Protection Act
- Equal Credit Opportunity Act & Regulation B
- Real Estate Settlement Procedures Act & Regulation X
- Home Mortgage Disclosure Act & Regulation C
- Consumer Leasing Act & Regulation M
- Fair Debt Collection Practices Act
- Fair Credit Reporting Act
- Truth-in-Savings Act & Regulation DD
- Electronic Funds and Transfer Act & Regulation E
- E-Sign & Uniform Electronic Transactions Act
- Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act
- State privacy & telemarketing laws
- State predatory lending laws
- State usury laws & federal preemption
- State licensing issues
- State leasing laws
- Motor Vehicle & Retail Installment Sales Acts
- Mortgage lender & mortgage broker statutes
- Consumer finance litigation
- Zoning & land use
- Construction liens
- Construction litigation
- Negotiation & drafting of construction contracts
- Adverse possession & acquiescence
- Summary proceedings & evictions
- Land contract forfeitures & foreclosures
- Quiet title actions
- Title insurance litigation & coverage
- Creditor related bankruptcy work including defense of mortgage servicers