Michigan Lawyers Weekly named Steve Sallen a "Go-To" lawyer in commercial real estate for the second time.

Michigan Lawyers Weekly Names Steve Sallen a “Go To” Lawyer in Commercial Real Estate
Michigan Lawyers Weekly named Steve Sallen a "Go-To" lawyer in commercial real estate for the second time.
Welcome to another episode in our ongoing series on operational issues for general contractors! Today, ...
Welcome to another episode in our series for general contractors! Marty Frenkel discusses a crucial ...
Several circumstances complicate commercial lease commencement terms in Michigan. How can parties steer clear of the potentially damaging consequences?
The transfer of real property in Michigan can result in avoidable tax burdens if the owner doesn't structure their conveyance to avoid "uncapping" its taxable value.
For millennia, “caveat emptor” has warned buyers to do their due diligence before entering into a transaction, lest they be left holding the bag when their purchase fails to comply with expectations.