Educational Series
Maddin Hauser’s educational series, Breakfast Bites, will cover numerous topics.
Please review the agenda and sign up for the sessions you would like to attend using the form at the bottom of this page.
The sessions will be held at Maddin Hauser’s offices:
28400 Northwestern Hwy, 2nd Floor,
Southfield, MI 48034. Click for map.
Complimentary continental breakfast will be provided.
Session 1:
Affordable Care Act –
3 Things to Know
Presented By:
Marc S. Wise
January 27, 2016
8:00 am – 9:30 am
Session qualifies for 1 CPE credit for CPAs
The Affordable Care Act imposes new obligations in 2016 on many employers. This session will provide a review of the requirements imposed on mid-size employers and new Form 1095 reporting and distribution obligations.
Session 2:
Roundup of Recent Tax Developments
Presented By:
William E. Sigler
February 24, 2016
7:30 am – 9:30 am
Session qualifies for 1.5 CPE credits for CPAs
As tax season is upon us, a refresher on important recent tax developments will help address issues that arise in filing clients’ tax returns. This session will cover both State and Federal tax developments, including changes in the reporting penalties enacted into law by the Trade Preferences Extension Act of 2015 and changes in the tax-filing deadlines enacted into law by the Surface Transportation and Veterans Health Care Choice Improvement Act of 2015. Year-end tax legislation will also be covered.
Session 3:
Do You Want to Be a Trustee?
Are You Sure?
Presented By:
Robert D. Kaplow
September 14, 2016
8:00 am – 9:30 am
Session qualifies for 1 CPE credit for CPAs
This session will discuss the obligations and duties involved with being a trustee of an irrevocable trust. Topics will include fiduciary duties to beneficiaries, trustee powers and preparation of documents to be distributed to beneficiaries including annual accountings. The session will discuss the life cycle of a trust including initial steps, ongoing administration, investing of assets, distributions to beneficiaries and termination of the trust.