Maddin on the Move – Q&A Series With Julie Teicher
With Maddin Hauser moving offices for the first time in 38 years, and on the cusp of the firm’s 100th anniversary, our attorneys reflect on our proud history, their professional journeys, and what the future holds for the firm and its clients.
Today, we chat with shareholder Julie B. Teicher, who co-chairs our Bankruptcy, Restructuring, and Debtor-Creditor Rights group and is a member of our Financial Services and Real Property Litigation group.
Q: Tell me about your practice and how long you’ve been with Maddin Hauser. What attracted you to the firm, and what do you value or appreciate most about working at MH?
A: My practice focuses on debtor and creditor issues, mainly affecting businesses, but we also get involved on the creditor side in consumer matters. We have a significant presence in the bankruptcy courts in Michigan but also represent clients in other jurisdictions.
I joined Maddin Hauser in 2018 with my partners from Erman Teicher Zucker & Freedman, P.C. At that point, we had all been together for well over 30 years. We came over as a practice group to fill a niche at MH, and when we did so, the firm gave us the freedom and autonomy to continue handling cases and clients in the way that made us a successful group in the first place. The firm is comprised of an exceptional team of people, each of whom gives and receives support and encouragement to pursue their professional goals.
Q: The firm launched an important initiative in 2023, The Maddin Hauser Way, which clearly defines everyone’s shared values and practices that are the foundation of the firm’s culture. Recognizing that all of them are vital, is there one that has more greatly influenced or impacted your practice?
A: Act with Integrity. This is foundational to how I have always practiced law. Everything rises and falls with the reputation you earn for honesty, professionalism, and treating people with respect. I love that the firm shares that perspective and makes it a priority.
Q: The office move is coming up quickly. What aspect of this move are you most excited about?
A: Our current configuration, spread out across multiple floors, leaves us a bit siloed and isolated from one another. The more open physical environment in the new space and the consolidation of everyone on one floor will facilitate more interactions, discussions, and cross-pollination of ideas between individuals and across practice groups. This will ultimately benefit our clients.
Q: Maddin Hauser will celebrate its 100th anniversary next year. If you had a crystal ball, what would you see in the firm’s future?
A: I think the firm is well-positioned to move into its next century. Mentoring newer attorneys has always been a passion of mine (and is one of the values in the Maddin Hauser Way), and I love that there has been a commitment to hiring younger lawyers and bringing in new energy and diverse perspectives. I look forward to helping build the future of the legal profession and this firm over the coming years.