Maddin on the Move – Q&A Series With Martin Frenkel
With Maddin Hauser moving offices for the first time in 38 years and on the cusp of the firm’s 100th anniversary, our attorneys reflect on our proud history, their professional journeys, and what the future holds for the firm and its clients.
Today, we chat with shareholder Martin Frenkel, an experienced business litigator, Executive Committee member, and co-chair of the firm’s Financial Services and Real Property Litigation group.
Q: Tell me about your practice and how long you’ve been with Maddin Hauser. What attracted you to the firm, and what do you value or appreciate most about working at MH?
A: I’ve had the privilege of being at Maddin Hauser for 27 years, joining the firm after I left government practice. It’s the place where I have grown up professionally, starting as a young associate to now leading a practice group and serving on the firm’s Executive Committee. I use the term “growing up” purposefully because it has always felt like I am surrounded by family here, people who are loyal, genuinely interested in seeing you succeed, and will always have your back. That was the case on day one, and the passage of time has only made the bonds of common values and purpose we share that much stronger and enduring.
Relatedly, what I also love about the firm is that it is unwavering in the encouragement, support, and resources it provides every single person to pursue their goals and reach their potential. That type of empowerment makes the firm unique and fuels its success. I also appreciate that I get to work on high-level, challenging, and consequential matters.
Q: The firm launched an important initiative in 2023, The Maddin Hauser Way, which clearly defines everyone’s shared values and practices that are the foundation of the firm’s culture. Recognizing that all of them are vital, is there one that has more greatly influenced or impacted your practice?
A: Yes, “Find a Way.” To me, this means that no matter whether a problem or issue is initially yours or is within your area of responsibility – if it comes to your attention, you tackle it. Each one of us is here to serve the firm’s clients, not just our clients. Whether assisting a colleague unprompted or handling something that is technically someone else’s job, it is an all-hands-on-deck, all-for-one, and one-for-all mentality that allows us to find a way to provide the best possible representation and service.
Q: The office move is coming up quickly. What aspect of this move are you most excited about?
A: After having been in the same building for my entire 27-year career at Maddin Hauser, I’m excited about how the new office will improve the work environment, energize everyone here, and better capture and reflect the firm’s personality and essence. The new space is bright and open, with all new furnishings, all glass conference rooms, and amenities such as a workout facility, restaurant, cafeteria, outdoor lounge area, and large conference facilities. I think it will both bring us together and set us apart.
Q: Maddin Hauser will celebrate its 100th anniversary next year. If you had a crystal ball, what would you see in the firm’s future?
A: I see the firm’s future as being bright and full of even more potential than when I arrived almost three decades ago. Every firm that endures for this long does so by finding the right mix of remaking itself with each new generation while retaining the “secret sauce” that made the institution great in the first place. Maddin Hauser has done this, and I believe we are just hitting our stride.