Maddin on the Move – Q&A Series With Steve Sallen
With Maddin Hauser moving offices for the first time in 38 years and on the cusp of the firm’s 100th anniversary, our attorneys reflect on our proud history, their professional journeys, and what the future holds for the firm and its clients.
Today, we chat with firm president and CEO Steve Sallen, who also heads the firm’s Environmental Law group and is co-chair of the Real Estate group.
Q: Tell me about your practice and how long you’ve been with Maddin Hauser. What attracted you to the firm, and what do you value or appreciate most about working at MH?
A: I have spent my entire 40-year career at Maddin Hauser focusing on real estate and business transactions. In fact, I was working at the firm as a law clerk even before I passed the bar. What impressed me then, and continues to fill me with immense pride now, is the firm’s absolute commitment to practicing law at the highest level. What distinguishes us, I think, is our ability to provide our clients with exceptional service and sophisticated representation while eschewing the bureaucracy and other needless impediments that can come with a larger firm. I have a visceral dislike of bureaucracy, and I’m the CEO.
Q: The firm launched an important initiative in 2023, The Maddin Hauser Way, which clearly defines everyone’s shared values and practices that are the foundation of the firm’s culture. Recognizing that all of them are vital, is there one that has more greatly influenced or impacted your practice?
A: Yes, “Act With Integrity.” This is just who I am. Deep down, I guess I’m a bit of a Boy Scout. Honesty, integrity, and doing the right thing even when no one is looking – these are core values for me and for this firm. I wouldn’t have stayed here for four decades if this firm did not share these non-negotiable principles.
Q: The office move is coming up quickly. What aspect of this move are you most excited about?
A: Aside from my general excitement over the proverbial “shiny objects” of a brand new office and office furniture, I think the most impactful and transformative aspect of the move is that everyone – attorneys, paralegals, staff – will all be together on one floor. That was a “must-have” for us when we were looking at new spaces, as being spread across multiple floors runs contrary to the spirit of collegiality and collaboration that we foster and celebrate. Now, we will have an office that better represents and reflects our culture.
Q: Maddin Hauser will celebrate its 100th anniversary next year. If you had a crystal ball, what would you see in the firm’s future?
A: I see our firm continuing to be a great place to work, staffed by practitioners and staff who share the same passion for excellence and the same core values that we reinforce every day. While we will be poised for more growth and bigger challenges in our new, modern space, we will never waver on the principles that got us to this point. I couldn’t be more excited!