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2015-2016 BREAKFAST BITES: Employment Law Series Materials


Session 10: May 11, 2016
Out of the Frying Pan, Into the Fire; Let the Litigation Commence
Presented by Richard M. Mitchell

Key Topics:

  • Several Statutes that Provide for Employee Leave in Specific Circumstances
  • When Analyzing an Employee’s Leave Request, it is Important to Consider All Applicable Statutes
  • Applicable Leave Statutes have Different Threshold Requirement and Limitations

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Session 8: March 9, 2016
Options for Retirement Benefits
Presented by Charles M. Lax

Key Topics:

  • Selecting the right plan for your company
  • Enhancing an existing plan
  • Targeting benefits for business owners and key executives

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Session7: February 10, 2016
Buyer/Seller Beware: Employment Issues Impacting the Sale of a Business
Presented by Ronald A. Sollish

Key Topics:

  • Successorship Issues
  • Who is Going to Cover My Health Insurance?
  • Hidden Risks: WARN, Vacation, Bonuses

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Session 6: January 14, 2016
Private/Non-Unionized Employers – Be Prepared for the NLRB’s Broad Expansion of Employee Rights and Co-Employment Liability

Key Topics:

  • Learn How to Amend Handbook Provisions to Comply with the NLRB
  • Understand Co-Employment Liability Issues Under FMLA, FLSA, ADA and Title VII
  • Identify Strategies to Prepare Policies and Contracts to Reduce/Share Risk 

Session 5: December 15, 2015
Social Media and Emerging Technologies: What Every Employer Needs to Know

Key Topics:

  • Social Media Used in Hiring/Recruiting
  • Marketing Using Third Party Platforms
  • Control Over Employees’ Electronic Devices and Personal Social Media Accounts

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Session 4: November 11, 2015
(Not So) Limited Liability: When Corporate Officers Become Personally Liable

Key Topics:
When Corporate Officers and/or Managers May Find Themselves Personally on the Hook for Torts or Other Wrongful Conduct Attributed to the Corporation or Company for: Employment Issues (Harassment/Discrimination and Workforce Reductions), Wage & Hour Violations, and Tax Issues.

Session 3: October 14, 2015
Affordable Care Act – 5 Things to Know

Presented by Marc S. Wise

Key Topics:

  • Employer Responsibilities
  • Analyzing Employee Categories
  • PEO and Staffing Issues
  • Employee Disclosures
  • IRS Reporting

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Session 2: September 24, 2015
Incentive Compensation Arrangements: Attract, Motivate
and Retain Key Employees

Key Topics:

  • Performance Based Compensation
  • Equity Based Compensation
  • Deferred Compensation

Session 1: August 12, 2015
Administrative Charge of Discrimination – Lawyering Up
Presented by Kathleen H. Klaus

Key Topics:

  • Served with Charge of Discrimination
  • The Wrong Response
  • What You Didn’t Know
  • The Right Response

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