By David M. Eisenberg, Esq. In our Bankruptcy, Restructuring, and Debtor-Creditor Rights practice group, we are ...

Cancellation of Debt Income: Forgiven, but Maybe not Forgotten
By David M. Eisenberg, Esq. In our Bankruptcy, Restructuring, and Debtor-Creditor Rights practice group, we are ...
Few areas of law are more fraught with frustration and absurdity than consumer litigation defense.
It is the classic law school problem. A hunter is shot in the woods when two of his friends fire their guns.
“Would you be okay working with a gay person?,” my interviewer asked.
Prior to estate tax “portability,” if a married couple had or were likely to have a combined net worth in excess of the amount of the exemption
Two recent client situations remind me of a critical lease issue that sometimes gets overlooked.