At Maddin Hauser, I have the good fortune of working for an employer who understands, respects and accommodates

Holy Accommodations – The Supreme Court Expands Employers’ Duty to Religious Employees
At Maddin Hauser, I have the good fortune of working for an employer who understands, respects and accommodates
No attorney wants to be the subject of a legal malpractice claim, but it is almost inevitable if you practice long enough. Here's what to do – and not do – when that happens.
The business judgment rule grew out of a recognition that it is easy in hindsight to know that a strategy has failed.
There’s nothing like an audience. Being on stage in some form – most people would regard that prospect as terrifying. Not me. I love an audience.
Two cases pending before the MI Supreme Court could be the death knell for the "open and obvious" defense to premises liability claims. Read more.
Some months ago, when I last wrote in this space I was recovering from extensive foot surgery.