Michigan Leading Lawyers recognizes 25 Maddin Hauser attorneys in their areas of expertise.

Twenty-Five Maddin Hauser Attorneys Named Michigan Leading Lawyers
Michigan Leading Lawyers recognizes 25 Maddin Hauser attorneys in their areas of expertise.
Several circumstances complicate commercial lease commencement terms in Michigan. How can parties steer clear of the potentially damaging consequences?
The 2025 Edition of Best Lawyers in America recognizes 28 Maddin Hauser attorneys for their superb legal work.
The 2024 Michigan Super Lawyers and Rising Stars list recognizes 16 Maddin Hauser attorneys.
The transfer of real property in Michigan can result in avoidable tax burdens if the owner doesn't structure their conveyance to avoid "uncapping" its taxable value.
The 2023 Michigan Super Lawyers and Rising Stars list recognizes 19 Maddin Hauser attorneys.