Harvey R. Heller named managing director at Maddin Hauser
“As an innovator and driving force behind our firm, Harvey brings unparalleled legal expertise to his new role, especially within the practice areas of defense and insurance coverage,” said Steven D. Sallen, president and CEO.
A shareholder and chairman of the firm’s Defense and Insurance Coverage Practice Group, Harvey R. Heller is the creator of the Result Focused Case Management System®. He is an honors graduate of Michigan State University, as well as a cum laude graduate of Detroit College of Law.
In addition to being an active litigator, Mr. Heller is a member of the Michigan State Bar Foundation Fellows and the Michigan Defense Trial Council. On a national level, he is a member of the American Bar Association Standing Committee on Lawyers’ Professional Liability, the Defense Research Institute, the International Association of Defense Counsel, as well as the Claims & Litigation Management Alliance.
Mr. Heller has authored articles on the subject of professional liability, has been a featured speaker at professional liability seminars and has been continuously selected for inclusion in the annual editions of Best Lawyers in America and Michigan Super Lawyers.
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