Maddin on the Move – Q&A Series With Corinne Rockoff
With Maddin Hauser moving offices for the first time in 38 years and on the cusp of the firm’s 100th anniversary, our attorneys reflect on our proud history, their professional journeys, and what the future holds for the firm and its clients.
Today, we chat with shareholder Corinne Rockoff, a member of our Financial Services and Real Property Litigation group.
Q: Tell me about your practice and how long you’ve been with Maddin Hauser. What attracted you to the firm, and what do you value or appreciate most about working at MH?
A: I’ve been with the firm since 2018, and I enjoy a broad practice that incorporates both litigation and transactional work with a focus on construction law, real property, and mortgage law. The ability to develop a blended practice drew me to Maddin Hauser, and it’s one of my favorite things about working here. I get to be engaged in my clients’ businesses from start to finish, which allows me to represent them more fully and develop meaningful and lasting relationships.
Q: The firm launched an important initiative in 2023, The Maddin Hauser Way, which clearly defines everyone’s shared values and practices that are the foundation of the firm’s culture. Recognizing that all of them are vital, is there one that has more greatly influenced or impacted your practice?
A: I’m particularly fond of no. 25, “Share the Why,” which reminds us of the importance of explaining the big picture when taking on a task, regardless of how small the piece in front of you might be. I know I do my best work when I understand the impact my work will have. Explaining why we’re doing what we’re doing allows everyone on a team to identify their role in the larger strategy or plan that’s often invisible when you’re doing the nitty gritty parts of daily legal work. Sharing the why when you’re bogged down in a project – whether talking with your team or just checking in with yourself to remember the high-level game plan — helps us keep overall goals in mind when working on the minute-to-minute tasks. It also keeps me motivated and on task.
Q: The office move is coming up quickly. What aspect of this move are you most excited about?
A: Getting all our attorneys together on one floor will be a significant change for our firm! I’m excited to watch how everyone collaborates and learns from each other. Adjusting to the noise level could take time for some folks (the second floor is decidedly noisier than the third at the moment), but I think it will enhance our workplace culture to have a bit more cross-pollination.
Q: Maddin Hauser will celebrate its 100th anniversary next year. If you had a crystal ball, what would you see in the firm’s future?
A: My crystal ball would definitely show me more growth, not just in the number of people at the firm but in the breadth of knowledge and perspectives we have on our team. Our upcoming move is undoubtedly the beginning of a new era for Maddin Hauser, and I’m hopeful that our fresh space and new vantage point will help us spot some talented attorneys looking for the right place to grow.