COVID-19 Response Resources
Webinars and Presentations:
COVID-19: What You Need to Know About Vaccine Mandates
This webinar will cover the following topics:
- Who is covered under the mandate.
- What is required under the mandate.
- Other legal obligations implicated by the mandate.
Click here to download the pdf of the full presentation
The content in this video is intended to be instruction overviews and
should not be considered legal advice.
COVID-19: Back to Normal?! Employer Considerations for In-Person Work with Vaccinated Employees
This webinar will cover the following topics:
- Vaccination policy considerations – requiring versus encouraging employees to get vaccinated.
- Current orders and guidance related to workplace gatherings, quarantine, and social distancing.
- Changes to FFCRA leave, COBRA, and unemployment benefits in the new stimulus bill (“ARPA”).
Click here to download the pdf of the full presentation
The content in this video is intended to be instruction overviews and
should not be considered legal advice.
COVID-19: The Parent Trap – Childcare & Caregiving Considerations in the Workforce
This webinar will cover the following topics:
- Review trends with schools opening virtually or in-person, and other family care responsibilities Lorem
- Evaluate the impact of employee caregiving responsibilities on parents, other caregivers, and employers
- Understand the legal obligations of employers, along with the options for responding to employees with caregiving responsibilities
Click here to download the pdf of the full presentation
The content in this video is intended to be instruction overviews and
should not be considered legal advice.
COVID-19: Return to Work – Preparedness & Response Plan
This webinar will cover the following topics:
- Understand the requirements of various government orders and agency guidance;
- Create a COVID-19 Preparedness & Response Plan, including the fundamentals of opening businesses; and
- Assess the proper strategies for lawfully recalling employees based on legitimate business needs, being cognizant of potential adverse impacts on protected classes, supporting remote work opportunities, and providing benefits to employees who are eligible.
Click here to download the pdf of the full presentation
The content in this video is intended to be instruction overviews and should not be considered legal advice.
COVID-19 Webinar: Employer Plans and Responses to the Known and Unknown
This webinar will review our recommendations for employers on the following topics:
- Communicate Your Plan
- Remote Work Opportunities
- Mandated or Permissive Changes to Your Paid Time Off/Leave Policies
- Benefits Available to Support Employees and Employers During this Transition
- Options for Responding to Reduction in Business Demands
Click here to download the pdf of the full presentation
Note: HRCI, SHRM and APA credits are not available for watching this webinar video.
*Please note that, unfortunately, the beginning of the video has been cut off. Additionally, some of the content regarding paid leave under the new federal laws has changed, based on regulations and Questions & Answers from the Department of Labor that were published since this webinar. Consult with legal counsel to confirm your strategies, as the content in these videos are intended to be instruction overviews and should not be considered legal advice.
Leave Laws: Compliance, Coordination, and Best Practices
This webinar will review our recommendations for employers on the following topics:
- Overview of required leave policies and recent changes in response to COVID-19
- Recent developments in federal paid sick leave
- ADA Best Practices
- How the Paid Medical Leave Act interacts with other laws
- Discretionary leave laws
Click here to download the pdf of the full presentation
Note: HRCI, SHRM and APA credits are not available for watching the recorded webinar video.
- What Michigan Employers Need to Know About New Paid Medical Leave
- Laws Implicated by Coronavirus in the Workforce: Who is Covered and What is Granted – Families First Coronavirus Response Act
- Employment Versus Lay-Off Issues During the COVID-19 Pandemic
- Termination During COVID-19
- Employment and Business Changes in the American Rescue Plan Act of 2021
Coronavirus, Aid, Relief and Economic Security (CARES) Act
- CARES Act Summary
- Retirement Plan Provisions in the CARES Act
- Key Tax Provisions of the CARES Act Affecting Individuals
- Key Tax Provisions of the CARES Act Affecting Businesses
- Main Street Lending and Other Options After PPP
- Financial Relief for Small Businesses Gets a Boost and Even More So Under the CARES Act
- Should I Give Back My PPP Loan?
- You Mean I can Keep My PPP Loan?
- Approaching the Finish Line: PPP Forgiveness
- November PPP Round-Up
- First Look at the New Covid-Response Stimulus Bill for 2021
- Tax Changes in the American Rescue Plan Act of 2021
Real Estate
Estate Planning
- Completing Your Estate Plan During COVID-19
- Has COVID-19 (Unfortunately) Made This a Good Time for Estate Planning?
Financial Services and Real Property Litigation
- The 2008 Financial Crisis & the COVID-19 Pandemic: Is Another Tidal Wave of Litigation Headed for the Mortgage Industry?
- Avoiding the Post-Lockdown Courtroom Gridlock
- The Pandemic, Rapid Unpredictable Change, and Your Business: Principles for Excelling in Trying Times
- What to Contract When You’re Constructing: Contract Language for a Post-COVID-19 World
- Forbearance Agreements – Everything You Want to Know but Have Been Afraid to Ask
- Top 3 Potential Pitfalls in Michigan’s Remote Notary Executive Order
- Online Notaries: Curse Or Cure During COVID-19 Crisis?
- 2008 to 2020: Lessons in Mortgage Servicing During Economic Crisis
- Michigan Stay-At-Home Order: Necessary Employee Letters
- Litigation in the Time of Coronavirus
Employers may contact our legal team to obtain the following:
- Employee Rights to Federal Paid Sick Leave and Expanded FMLA
- Michigan Paid Medical Leave Act Poster
- County Health Orders
- Executive Order 2020-21 FAQs
- Designation notices required to be issued under Michigan’s Stay Home Executive Order
- Temporary Paid Sick Leave Policy
- Temporary Expanded Family & Medical Leave Policy
- Request Form for Paid Sick Leave or Expanded FMLA
- Notice of Rights & Responsibilities for Expansion of FMLA
- Designation Notice for Expansion of FMLA