Whether significant and impeding changes to Michigan's paid medical leave law come to pass hangs on the outcome of soon-to-be-resolved litigation.

As 2023 Begins, Michigan Employers Face Continued Uncertainty Regarding Paid Sick Leave
Whether significant and impeding changes to Michigan's paid medical leave law come to pass hangs on the outcome of soon-to-be-resolved litigation.
Owners of family-held or small businesses intuitively understand the importance of planning.
In a Michigan divorce, pets are not treated like children. They are considered personal property, which makes them subject to equitable distribution like other assets.
A verbal modification to a written lease may run afoul of the Michigan statute of frauds, but that doesn't necessarily mean it is unenforceable.
The fate of consumer class actions may soon be in the hands of the U.S. Supreme Court.
My wife Lainie and I were set up on a blind date by a mutual friend who thought we would make a good match because I was, in his words, “a nice nerd,”