During many practice group meetings over the past 8 years, I sat and listened to my colleagues discuss Breaking Bad, Narcos, The Wire and the like.

Life Lessons Learned Along the Way: The Privilege of Laughter
During many practice group meetings over the past 8 years, I sat and listened to my colleagues discuss Breaking Bad, Narcos, The Wire and the like.
The Michigan Court of Appeals recently affirmed a trial court's ruling addressing Michigan's insurable interest requirement.
Call me a nerd, but I think procedure can be fun.
I didn’t intend to be hitchhiking, certainly not alone and in a country where I didn’t speak the language.
As many of you have heard over the past month or so, America has been at war with an invisible enemy - COVID-19.
The Michigan Supreme Court is currently considering a case that could broaden the claims that could be made by employees