One thing I find curious about Michigan practice is the seemingly short shrift given to appellate work.

Does It Appeal to You?
One thing I find curious about Michigan practice is the seemingly short shrift given to appellate work.
Everyone has a quarantine story, but they’re not the type of, “I remember where I was when I heard about [fill in the landmark event]” stories.
While the country has been in COVID hibernation, the Michigan Supreme Court issued an important decision regarding insurance coverage for defective construction work.
It is about a 10-hour drive from Michigan to Charlotte, North Carolina, where my aunt and uncle live. We could have flown like normal people, but I thought this way would be better.
The cartoon depicts a boy scout sitting next to a roaring, log-cabin-style campfire.
In a historic decision, the U.S. Supreme Court holds that Title VII protects homosexual and transgender ...