Educational Series
Maddin Hauser’s educational series, Breakfast Bites, will cover numerous topics.
Please review the agenda and sign up for the sessions you would like to attend using the form at the bottom of this page.
The sessions will be held at Maddin Hauser’s offices:
28400 Northwestern Hwy, 2nd Floor,
Southfield, MI 48034. Click for map.
Complimentary continental breakfast will be provided.
Session 1:
Affordable Care Act – Reporting and
Recordkeeping Requirements
Presented By:
Marc S. Wise
January 14, 2015
8:00 am – 9:30 am
Session qualifies for 1 CPE credit for CPAs
The Affordable Care Act mandates annual reporting by large employers to the IRS and to the employees. This session will provide a review of the analysis needed to determine large employer status and the required filings and disclosures. A review of the applicable IRS reporting forms will also take place along with a discussion on the options for obtaining the required information.
Session 2:
Partnership Tax
Presented By:
February 11, 2015
8:00 am – 9:30 am
Session qualifies for 1 CPE credit for CPAs
The buyout of a partner from a partnership (or limited liability company) is a scenario that is frequently encountered by tax professionals. This session will discuss various types of partner buyouts, using case studies to illustrate the tax consequences associated with each type of buyout. This session will also highlight the main differences between the various types of buyouts.
Session 3:
Case Studies in Ethics
An Interactive Approach
Presented By:
Charles M. Lax
Stuart M. Bordman
May 6, 2015
7:30 am – 10:00 am
Session qualifies for 2 CPE ethics credits for CPAs
Ethical conduct of certified public accountants is dictated by the AICPA Code of Conduct (“Code”) and Circular 230. This session will provide a brief overview of the principles contained in the Code and the duties and responsibilities of those practitioners under Circular 230. This will then be followed by roundtable discussions of case studies, using actual facts to highlight the types of ethical dilemmas faced every day.
Session 4:
Joint Trusts;
To Use or Not to Use.
September 17, 2015
8:00 am – 9:30 am
The use of joint revocable trusts in estate plans for couples has proliferated since Congress made federal estate tax portability permanent. This session will include an examination of tax and other issues surrounding joint revocable trusts and an outline of factors to consider when determining whether a joint trust or separate revocable trusts should be employed.