Educational Series
Maddin Hauser’s educational series, Breakfast Bites, will cover numerous topics.
Please review the agenda and sign up for the sessions you would like to attend using the form at the bottom of this page.
The sessions will be held at Maddin Hauser’s offices:
28400 Northwestern Hwy, 2nd Floor,
Southfield, MI 48034. Click for map.
Complimentary continental breakfast will be provided.
Session 1:
Roundup of Recent Tax Developments
Presented By:
William E. Sigler
January 15, 2020
7:30 am – 9:30 am
Session qualifies for 1.5 CPE credits for CPAs
As tax season is upon us, a refresher on important recent tax developments will help address issues that arise in counseling clients and assisting them with filing their tax returns. This session will cover both State and Federal tax developments, including developments with respect to the QBI safe harbor for rental real estate and other developments under TCJA.
Presented By:
Marc S. Wise
February 12, 2020
8:30 am – 9:30 am
Session qualifies for 1 CPE credit for CPAs
Major regulations issued by the IRS/DOL/HHS provide new opportunities to provide health care coverage to some or all employees of a company. We will discuss the compliance requirements of the new regulations and how small and large businesses can benefit using health reimbursement accounts.
Session 3 *Webinar Only*:
Stay Classy: The Tax Consequences of Worker Classification
May 20, 2020
8:30 am – 9:30 am
Session qualifies for 1 CPE credit for CPAs
Uber…Lyft…Postmates. These are some of the biggest players in today’s “gig” economy, where workers are engaged in flexible arrangements where they set their own hours, supply their own rides, and pay their own taxes. This session will cover the basics of worker classification for tax purposes, as well as the consequences of misclassification, and will conclude with a discussion about the latest developments in worker classification cases, especially as they relate to workers in the “gig” economy.
Session 4:
Trust Accounting ABCs
Presented By:
Geoffrey N. Taylor
September 16, 2020
8:30 am – 9:30 am
Session qualifies for 1 CPE credit for CPAs
Among the many duties a trustee owes to beneficiaries is the duty to account. Accountings allow beneficiaries to protect their interests. Although similar concepts are involved, trust accounting is not the same as financial or tax accounting. This session will review the ABCs of trust accounting.
Registration is closed.